Carl Johnson, CPA

A Professional Accounting Corporation



We provide a broad range of services to help clients secure a sound financial future. In addition to the core services listed below, we provide customized services to address our clients unique needs and goals.


Tax Preparation and Compliance

Services for individuals include tax planning, compliance and representation.

Our approach to tax preparation includes fulfilling the needs of a wide variety of individuals. From individuals with moderate income utilizing expedited refund solutions to assisting middle-income families with tax compliance to structuring tax beneficial strategies for high-income/high net worth individuals, we believe in full access and impartial treatment for all clients.


In addition to tax preparation, we also specialize in assisting taxpayer’s in resolving outstanding tax debts. As a part of the negotiating and reducing tax debt, we have utilized various programs other the Internal Revenue Service and state tax agencies in enabling taxpayers to effectively manage and eliminate outstanding obligations. These programs include, but not limited, qualifying taxpayers for Offer In Compromise program, and the removal of liens and levies through alternative methods such as installment agreements and extended pay arrangements.

Also a result of the extensive tax library and available resources, we are able to prepare and resolve non-filers issues from the tax year of 1990 until current. This is can be very critical in the removal of tax debt and receiving of outstanding refunds.


In an effort to minimize tax debt prior to current filing, proper tax planning is necessary. We assist taxpayers with structuring transactions and accelerating opportunities to yield the most effective results.

Small Business and Non-Profit Organizations

At the heart of our practice is small business and non-profit tax and accounting. Our client lists include entities in various segments and industries such as professional services (medial and legal), retail, restaurant and hospitality, entertainment and promotions, proprietary schools, and community and faith-based organizations.

As a part of effective tax management services, we provide bookkeeping, financial statement preparation and reporting, and tax filing services. Our services span from organizational development such as entity establishment to maintaining and complying with filing requirements to succession planning.

Full Service Payroll Consulting

As a full service tax accounting firm, we offer comprehensive payroll services. Our automated payroll services include, but not limited, payroll calculation, check writing and direct deposit options, timely tax reporting through federal and state e-filing capabilities, and proper structuring and consulting.

Other Regulatory and Reporting Services

To comply with other regulatory requirements, we also offer financial statement reporting such as compliance and review services.


In an effort to customize our services to unique needs of our clients, we maintain a competitive pricing schedule. The structure of our firm allows for us to deliver high-quality, efficient services. This allows for significant cost savings, thereby maintaining an economical pricing model.

Carl Johnson, CPA © 2015